Feasible and effective use of a simulation-based curriculum for postgraduate Emergency Medicine trainees in India to improve learner awareness, self-efficacy, knowledge and skills
Interdisciplinary Research Award
Applicant(s): Tania Ahluwalia, MD, Serkan Toy, PhD, Camilo E. Guitierrez, MD, Katherine Douglass, MD
- To improve Indian postgraduate Emergency Medicine (EM) trainees’ awareness, self-efficacy, knowledge, and skills in pediatric patient care with the use if a simulation-based curriculum
- To build and advance teaching faculty capacity through a webinar series on effective teaching strategies using simulation.
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Prevention of Hospital Onset Infections in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in China — New Approach for Bigger Impact
Interdisciplinary Research Award
Applicants: Xiaoyan Song, PhD, MBBS, CIC; Robin Steinhorn, MD; Xin Ni, MD, PhD
- To generate preliminary data to demonstrate that improving diagnostic accuracy for hospital onset infections (HOIs) is feasible in pediatric intensive care unit in China
- To show that preventing HOIs is achievable by applying evidence-based infection control practices
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Latino Youth and Families Need Assessment
Applicant: Nathalie Quion, MD, MPH
- Describe the socio economic demographic characteristics of the Latino community in Washington DC
- Determine and analyze the barriers to health care access of the Latino community in Metro Washington DC
- Create a validated needs assessment tool that can be used in similar communities in the United States
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The Handheld Ultrasound Machine of the Future: Assessment of Automated Intelligence Training Tools to Enhance Task Shifting of Echocardiographic Screening for Rheumatic Heart Disease in Endemic Regions
Trainee Mentoring Award
Mentee: Sonia Voleti, MD
Mentor: Anita Krishnan, MD
- To assess a novel educational feature of handheld ultrasound in promoting widespread nonexpert RHS screening
- Measure RHD prevalence in Palau, Micronesia, a resource limited setting with high disease burden
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The Impact of a Designated Resuscitation Team on Decreasing Admissions and Providing Appropriate Oxygen Support and Thermoregulation in Advanced Care Center NICUs in Sub-Saharan Africa
Trainee Mentoring Award
Mentee: Yvonne Yui, MD
Mentor: Leah Greenspan Hodor, MD
- To design and implement a Designated Resuscitation Team (DRT) to attend all high-risk deliveries in referral centers in Africa
- To train the DRT on the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) 7th edition in didactics, simulation, and delivery room mentoring
- To transport newborns from the delivery setting to the NICU with a focus on thermoregulation and oxygen management to ensure a smooth transition through the “Golden Hour” when admission is necessary
- To reduce the number of NICU and Baby Unit admissions of late preterm to term infants and improve thermoregulation and oxygen saturation for all newborns admitted, this decreasing their length of stay and improving morbidity and mortality
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General Inquiries
Contact Info
- c/o Meredith Sherman
- Children's National Global Health Initiative
- 111 Michigan Ave NW Washington, DC 20010
- 202-476-6887
- ghi@childrensnational.org
- ghicn.org