From improving access to cardiac imaging for the diagnosis of Rheumatic Heart Disease in Uganda, to understanding the dynamics underlying sickle cell disease in Ghana, to evaluating globally-minded medical education here at Children’s, CNHS providers, students, and researchers are actively engaged in high-quality, impactful Global Health research.
Congratulations to the following CNHS students, providers, and researchers who presented their work at REW!
Clinical Research Awardee: Alyssa Dewyer, Telemedicine Support of Cardiac Care in Northern Uganda: Leveraging Handheld Echocardiography and Task-shifting, Abstract ID 158
Poster Presentations:
Barbara Speller-Brown, Evaluating a Sickle Cell Education Symposium, Abstract ID 37
Sarah C Isbey, Pediatric Emergency Department Discharge Instructions for Spanish-Speaking Families: Are We Getting it Right?, Abstract ID 129
Hayk Barseghyan, Composite de novo Armenian human genome assembly and haplotyping via optical mapping and ultra-long read sequencing, Abstract ID 136
Kristen Kocher, The epigenetics of dietary cyanogenic toxicity in Sub-Saharan Africa: a model of konzo, Abstract ID 140
Youssef A. Kousa, Human Genetic Risk and Protective Factors In Congenital Zika Syndrome, Abstract ID 147
Mayri Leslie, The REACH Project: Reducing childhood Anemia in Caracol, Haiti, Abstract ID 157
Alyssa Dewyer, Telemedicine Support of Cardiac Care in Northern Uganda: Leveraging Handheld Echocardiography and Task-shifting, Abstract ID 158
John Kulesa, Cross-Cultural Global Medical Education: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Students and Providers in Lesotho, Abstract ID 159
Emma Ndagire, Health Systems Barriers to Delivery of RHD care in Lira district, Uganda, Abstract ID 160
Katherine Nyman, Evaluating an Abbreviated Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment Course at Nursing Global Health Day at Children’s National Medical Center, Abstract ID 161
Alexandra Sims, An Analysis of Sickle Cell Diagnosis Patterns in Accra, Ghana, Abstract ID 162
Meghan Zimmerman, Multidisciplinary Approach to Preparation and Implementation of a Heart Surgery Skill transfer Mission to Uganda for Children with Rheumatic and Congenital Heart Disease, Abstract ID 163
Meghna Murali, Improving recognition and referral of acute rheumatic fever through community education, Abstract ID 164
Rachel Sarnacki, Parental Perceptions of Acute Rheumatic Fever Diagnosis in an Endemic Setting, Abstract ID 165
Grace Velez, Patterns of Interpreter Use Among Pediatric Specialties and Inpatient Units For Hospitalized Families with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), Abstract ID 177
Wei Li A Koay, Differences in the gut microbiome of HIV-infected versus HIV-exposed, uninfected infants, Abstract ID 191
Wei Li A Koay, Recent Trends in the Prevention of Mother-to-child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area, Abstract ID 192
Sarah B Mulkey, Neurodevelopment in apparently normal newborns after Zika virus positive pregnancies, Abstract ID 198
Douglas Postels, Central nervous system viral co-infection in African children with cerebral malaria, Abstract ID 199
Allison Powell, Antibody-Secreting T Cells Engineered for Tripartite Immune Response Against HIV, Abstract ID 202
Stefanie Margulies, Integrative services and outcomes for patients with sickle cell disease at Children’s National, Abstract ID 285
Amelia Noble, Increasing Face-to-Face Spanish Interpretations during Patient/Family Centered Rounds (PFCR), Abstract ID 309
Christina P Ho, Interleukin-4 signaling plays a major role in urogenital schistosomiasis-associated bladder carcinogenesis, Abstract ID 353