The providers within GHI at Children’s National are passionately working to improve the care of pediatric patients in low- and middle-resource settings, as well as here at home. This requires collaborative research, a key goal of GHI. Such collaboration helps minimize risk, strengthen regulatory compliance, and ensure the health and safety of both global health patients and providers. GHI provides crucial oversight by connecting researchers and faculty members working to advance international standards of care.
Research at the Global Health Initiative
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought. — Albert Szent-Györgyi
Faculty Spotlight

Dr. Doug Postels has embarked on his annual journey to Malawi where he provides pediatric neurological care, does research on malaria, and helps train pediatric residents. Join him on his travels and get a closer look at the global health work Children’s National providers are engaged in around the world.
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Funding Opportunities
Internal Funding Opportunities
Maximizing Impact: Explorations in Global Health Pilot Awards
- An award program designed for researchers to collect pilot data to apply for external funding of pediatric global health projects
- Awards ranging from$1,000 to $30,000+ are awarded annually to Children’s National employees and their collaborators
- Learn more about the program, past awardees and how to apply here.